Brisbane’s New City Plan 2012: Smaller Lots, Higher Densities
Brisbane City Council has released its Draft Brisbane City Plan 2012. The plan well and truly aligns with State goals of greater density in established areas. While densities are increasing, the Council has strengthened protections for character areas.
Key changes in City Plan 2012:
· Freehold Houses on 300sqm lots in all zones
· Freehold Houses on 180sqm lots in Low-Medium Residential (LMR)
· Introduction of a Duplex Code
· Small shops and offices allowed in residential (not local) streets
· Change from Gross Floor Area to Site Coverage for LMR
· Increased densities in LMR
· Increased density in LMR within 400m of Railway or Busway Stations (up from 200m)
· Medium Density (up to 15 storeys) along some transport corridors
· Contemporary interpretations of traditional character no longer allowed at street frontages in Character Residential
· Encourages the use of pavilion type extensions in Character Residential
The Draft Brisbane City Plan 2012 is currently being reviewed by the State Government and should be approved in 2013.
To find out more or to keep updated on the changes, see PRO Town Planners’ excellent website
If you have any questions about the new plan, please contact Certus Legal Group.