Credit Repair – No Win No Fee

Problems with your finance application due to your credit file?

Our Credit Repair Lawyers can help improve your credit rating by removing defaults or negative listings on your credit file that were not listed in accordance with legislative requirements, listed incorrectly or listed in error.

We only use Credit Repair Lawyers to look after you. Our lawyers deal directly with the creditors and the credit reporting companies themselves. This can be a complex area of law that can have a significant impact on your life and we believe it deserves the attention of a fully qualified lawyer.

Our Services

Default Removal

If a creditor hasn’t complied with the requirements for listing a default, we can help get it removed…

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Judgement Removal

Didn’t file a defence and now have a default judgement on your record, find out how we can help…

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Unpaid Defaults

If you have a late or unpaid debt it may show as a default on your credit record, find out more…

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Fixed Fees – No Win No Fee

In many cases we can offer you a straightforward fixed fee arrangement rather than using time costing. You will know ahead of time what your costs will be meaning there are no nasty surprises at the end of your matter and you can make a better informed decision when choosing whether to engage us. Better Still, we can off you a no win no fee, so if the creditor doesn’t agree to remove the default, you don’t pay.   Conditions apply. Contact us for more details.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can credit repair lawyers help?
    In order for one of your creditors to list a default on your credit report they must comply with very specific legislative requirements. Often, creditors simply fail to comply with these requirements or there are errors made in trying to do so.

    Our experienced Credit Repair Lawyers will obtain all documentation from your creditors and examine it thoroughly. Their experience and knowledge of the law allows them to identify any non-compliance or errors. Once any non-compliance or errors are identified, then our lawyers bring them to the attention of the creditor and seek removal accordingly.

  • How long does it take?
    It commonly takes 7 hours or more of a Credit Repair Lawyer’s time to have a creditor remove a default or negative listing from someone’s credit report. The overall time is dependent on the type of default and the creditor involved.

    In some instances our team can have a default removed within a week or two. Where it is necessary to make a complaint on your behalf to an ombudsman or a court application is required to set aside a default judgement, it can take many weeks or even months.

  • What does it cost?
    We offer a fixed price package for each of your defaults or you can choose to be charged on a time costed basis. Fixed fees are on a no win, no fee basis. Contact one of team to discuss your situation and we can explain the options and costs once we have more information.

Call us now

07 3106 3016
