
Our specialist conveyancing lawyers deliver practical and cost effective solutions in all conveyancing matters.

The Conveyancing team advises buyers and sellers of residential property across Queensland. Everyday we advise clients on buying and selling houses, units, townhouses, off the plan developments and vacant blocks of land. With over 100 contracts handled every month, we our expert conveyancing lawyers have the experience and expertise to handle all facets of the conveyancing process.

For further information or to discuss a matter please telephone 07 3106 3016.


Unlike many other law firms, all of our fixed price conveyancing packages are inclusive of all professional fees, search costs and disbursements. We are transparent and upfront about our prices. Check carefully when comparing our conveyancing prices to ensure that you are comparing apples to apples.

Click here to learn more about our market leading packages.


You’ve done your research and you’ve found a property that is right for you. Fantastic! But whereto from here? Find out how our lawyers have helped hundreds of buyers of residential property in Queensland through the conveyancing process.

Click here to learn more about how we assist buyers of residential property.


Selling your property can be a stressful process. A Certus Lawyers expert conveyancing lawyer will help make the conveyancing process as easy as possible so that you can relax and enjoy the process as much as possible. We know how conveyancing works and have handled hundreds of sale processes from the ones that go straight through to complicated transactions.

Click here to learn more about how we assist sellers of residential property.


At Certus Legal we enjoy catching up for a coffee or chatting on the phone to discuss how we can work together. If you would like to experience the benefits of building a relationship with specialist conveyancing lawyers then contact us. The wide network of agents that refer to us already is testament to the quality of service we provide to clients and agents alike.

Click here to learn more about how we assist agents during the conveyancing process.

Conveyancing Services

Sale, purchase and transfer of residential houses
Units & Townhouses
Sale, purchase and transfer of units and townhouses, including body corporate matters
Off the Plan
Sale, purchase and transfer of off the plan units, townhouses and vacant land
Vacant Land
Sale, purchase and transfer of vacant land

Call Certus Legal on 07 3106 3016
